Virtual Tour of OLC
Enjoy the virtual tour of OLC! 
Dear children,
We are so excited to share some photos of what the school looks like and for you to see it all through our virtual tour!
As you arrive at school, you will see that we have shiny, blue school gates! The school drive is not accessible to cars whilst you are in school and continues to be used as a point of entry and exit. Some of you will walk up the path and some of you will walk up the drive. At the end of the day, you will all walk down the drive as you leave school.
At the top of the drive, you will find blue gates. This is where you will line up and wait for your teacher.
Your teacher will lead you down the path that leads to the playground.
The playground is divided into different sections - your class will be allocated one of the areas to play in during lunchtime and for PE. You can also use the field too during playtime when the weather is nice.
As you walk towards the playground, you will find a Woodland Area as you go past the statue of Our Lady. We are so excited for you all to be able to explore the area and spend time involved in outdoor learning.
Once in school, you will put your coat, hat and lunch bag in your locker or on your peg. You will then follow you teacher to your classroom. Here are some photos of our classrooms...
Foundation Stage looks a little different to the rest of the school. Here are some photos…
You will only visit certain areas, like the Computer Suite and the Library, with your teacher.
There are also other learning areas in the school that you will also visit with you teacher for different activities …
We hope you enjoyed the virtual tour and please remember that your teacher will be able to answer all your questions that you may have.
Take care and stay safe.